
Membership Information

Member Benefits

The following membership benefits are available to individuals who join the Maryland Fire Chiefs Association:

Available Memberships

Active members are those individuals who at the time of their application to the association are current Chief Officers within a fire, rescue or EMS department. Individuals who previously held a position as a Chief Officer within a fire, rescue or EMS department that can be verified will be eligible for active membership. A Chief Officer is defined as a position of Battalion Chief or higher. This definition includes a Director or Officer who is responsible for overseeing an emergency services operational division, department or shift. Active members are eligible to attend official association functions and vote at meetings.

Associate members are those individuals who are supportive of the association’s principles and goals. Associate members consist of fire department personnel who hold the rank of Captain or below (Lieutenant, Engineer, Firefighter, Paramedic, EMT, EMR, etc.) and may include non-fire service members such as vendors, politicians, etc. Associate members may attend official association functions and meetings. Persons holding an associate membership shall not have voting rights.

An individual must currently be a member of a Maryland fire, rescue or EMS department to apply for membership as a Chaplain. Upon joining the MFCA, Chaplains must complete any required fire chaplaincy training deemed necessary by the Chief Chaplain. Chaplains may attend official association functions and meetings. Persons holding membership as a Chaplain shall not have voting rights. This does not include the Chief Chaplain. The Chief Chaplain has voting rights as a member of the Executive Board.

Corporate Membership shall be awarded to any Business, which would benefit the Association, approved by a two-thirds affirmative vote of those present and voting at any regular meeting. Corporate members shall be allowed to attend any functions of the Association,maybe appointed to committees, may discuss any motions, but will have no voting privileges nor hold any office.